• Anastasiia Yakovchuk International Economic and Humanitarian University named after Academician Stepan Demyanchuk
Keywords: basic change strategy, machine-building enterprise, technological changes, diversified development, internal markets, external markets


Purpose. The aim of the article is the substantiation of scientific and methodical approach to the definition of the basic strategy of changes of the machine-building enterprise on the basis of the two-factor matrix of levels of technological and diversification development. Methodology of research. The methods of the theory of fuzzy sets are used in the process of research – to determine the levels of technological development and development of diversification processes, which together form the typology of the basic strategy of changes at the machine-building enterprise. Findings. The system of indicators, economic and mathematical tools for carrying out of integrated estimation of the level of strategic development of machine-building enterprises with the use of the theory of fuzzy sets is proposed. The directions for increasing the efficiency of management of strategic development at machine-building enterprises in the modern conditions are determined on the basis of this and the type of the basic strategy of changes, which is expedient to implement at this stage, is substantiated. Originality. The scientific and methodological approach to determining the basic strategy of enterprise changes is improved, which, in contrast to the existing ones, establishes four types of basic changes strategies (the development of existing strategic business units (SBUs) based on modernization of production technologies; diversified development of the SBU on the basis of modernization of production technologies; development of existing SBUs based on new (innovative) production technologies; the development of the new SBUs based on the development of new types of machine-building products or services for the enterprise) based on a two-factor matrix of technological levels for technological and diversification development of enterprises. Its application will allow to substantiate the direction of further market orientation of the enterprise (internal or internal and external); directions of necessary technological transformations (modernization or innovations) and diversification transformations of the enterprise. Practical value. The proposed scientific and methodological approach allows us to determine the basic strategy of changes at the machine-building enterprise, which will take into account the possibility of its further market orientation (only internal markets, internal and external) and the ability to implement scenarios of diversified development.


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How to Cite
Yakovchuk, A. (2018). SUBSTANTIATION OF THE TYPOLOGY OF BASIC CHANGE STRATEGIES FOR THE MACHINE-BUILDING ENTERPRISES OF UKRAINE. Sustainable Development of Economy, (2(39), 101-110. Retrieved from