• Maryna Kalnytska Uzhhorod National University
Keywords: social sphere, social development, state policy, social infrastructure, social adaptation, social integration


Purpose. The aim of the article is the substantiation of theoretical and methodological approaches to the evaluation of the effectiveness of the state policy of forming a social sphere system that will enable to develop a clear and transparent system of formation of a developed stable state policy for ensuring social development. Methodology of research. The basis of research work are as general scientific (analysis, observation), as well as special methods of cognition. Methods of analysis and observation have been used to study the approaches to assessing the effectiveness of the state policy of shaping the social sphere system. The methods of cognition have been used to substantiate the criteria and indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the state policy of shaping the social sphere system. Findings. It is determined that achievement for implementation efficiency of the state policy of social development takes place by increasing the level of functioning of the whole system of management, adequacy of principles, forms, methods of acceptance and implementation of management decisions. The state policy of social development is effective if it is based on an effective system of standards, norms and criteria, with the responsibility for their observance and monitoring of deviations. It is noted that the criteria and factors for the effectiveness of the state policy of social development differ in different scientific sources, but the broadest and common criterion is the level of social responsibility of the state, the entrepreneurial sector and the individual citizen for the stability of the population to social and economic transformations and social unrest. It is concluded that it is worth using several asynchronous criteria in evaluating the efficiency, namely: to check the conformity of the results with the previously mentioned goals, to achieve optimization of the costs associated with the achievement of these goals, to choose the best of potential compromises under certain political influences or administrative pressure. Originality. The scientific novelty consists in substantiating the position that the effectiveness of the implementation of the state policy of social development should be assessed by the degree of protection of balanced interests of society and the state, the degree of solving the problem of optimal protection of society, social groups and each person in particular. Such benchmarks are capable to transform the state policy of social development into one of the leading factors in ensuring the competitiveness of the national economy in modern conditions, as there is a close relationship between social policy and economic development. Practical value. The results of the study may be proposed for the modernization of the social sphere system at the post-transformational stage of economic development and will promote the development of a clear and transparent system for the formation of a developed, stable state policy of social development.


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How to Cite
Kalnytska, M. (2018). ТЕОРЕТИКО-МЕТОДИЧНІ ПІДХОДИ ДО ОЦІНЮВАННЯ ЕФЕКТИВНОСТІ ДЕРЖАВНОЇ ПОЛІТИКИ ФОРМУВАННЯ СИСТЕМИ СОЦІАЛЬНОЇ СФЕРИ. Sustainable Development of Economy, (2(39), 57-63. Retrieved from https://economdevelopment.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/162