Purpose. The aim of the article is the substantiation of expediency and formation of the concept for management of development of innovative infrastructure of Ukraine in the conditions of global competition, development of recommendations for improvement of the existing innovation infrastructure in Ukraine. Methodology of research. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research formed the scientific achievements of the leading Ukrainian and foreign authors on the problems of regulation and development of innovation infrastructure. In the process of solving the set tasks used: methods of analysis and synthesis (to study the essence of innovation processes, dialectics and the nature of their impact on domestic regulatory policy); the method of systematic generalization (for analysis of world experience in the formation of national regulatory policies in the field of innovation activity management, substantiation of the concept of management of the development of Ukraine’s innovation infrastructure in conditions of global competition); institutional method (to study the significance of institutional regulators in the process of developing innovative infrastructure). Findings. The problems of the development of innovation infrastructure in Ukraine are determined. The theoretical and methodological basis of the development of Ukraine’s innovation infrastructure in the conditions of global competition, which consists of the interdisciplinary methodological base of management theories, marketing, economic theories, theories of praxeology, sociology and law, is formed. The concept for management of development of Ukraine’s innovation infrastructure in the conditions of global competition is developed. The meaningful content of its structural blocks is outlined. Originality. The concept for management of the development of Ukraine’s innovative infrastructure in the conditions of global competition, which takes into account, on the one hand, the nature of global factors of influence, and, on the other hand, the possibility of effective application of state control tools, is proposed. Practical value. The range of problems of the development of innovation infrastructure is indicated based on the analysis of current realities of innovation activity in Ukraine. The obtained results may be aimed at optimizing the management of the development of national innovation infrastructure. The substantive filling of the structural blocks of the concept of management of the development of Ukraine’s innovation infrastructure in the conditions of global competition allows improving the internal organizational mechanisms for its management.
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