Purpose. The aim of the article is to investigate the essence of social lifts within the limits of social and economic motivation of personnel, to define technologies of introduction of social lifts by subjects of business concerning employees and criteria of change of social status of an employee on the basis of movement by social lift. Methodology of research. The theoretical basis of the research is the scientific work of domestic and foreign scientists on the problems of social mobility, the creation of social lifts in the system of social and economic motivation. General scientific and special methods and techniques are used in the process of work: analytical – for the collection, compilation and processing of scientific information; abstract and logical – for analysis and systematization of the material; tabular and graphical – for a visual presentation of the theoretical positions and conclusions of the study. Findings. The priority goals of social and economic motivation in the context of meeting the needs of the personnel are determined. The connection of professional-qualification promotion and career growth of employees at the enterprise is revealed. The essence of the social lift and its role in the algorithm of formation of social mobility of the population are substantiated. The technologies of introduction of social lifts by business entities concerning personnel are determined. Models of motivation and development of personnel in the context of promoting the formation of a versatile personality of the employee are offered. The goals of social and economic motivation of workers with the potential of formation of a creative class are established. Originality. The technology of introduction of social lifts by business entities in relation to personnel is proposed for the first time, which includes methods of professional qualification promotion, professional training and creation of conditions for self-development and self-realization of workers with the possibility of secondary activity. Further development of scientific substantiation of the variability of approaches to the motivation and development of personnel with the departure from the bureaucratic model characterized by hard working time and subordinated relationships in the team, and the transition to a progressive model with the creation of conditions for the development of a versatile personality of the employee. Systematization of criteria for changing the social status of an employee in the course of his movement by a social lift, with their division into economic, professional and power is improved. Practical value. The practical application of technologies for the introduction of social lifts in the business environment using social and economic motivation methods plays a significant role in creating a creative class in society, promoting social mobility, improving labor efficiency and staffing competitiveness.
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