Purpose. The aim of the article is to reveal the natural-resource and tourist-recreational potential of the mountain and foothill areas of the Transcarpathian region and consider such components of the tourist-recreational potential as balneological, forest, water, climatic and historical and cultural resources. Methodology of research. The scientific achievements of leading Ukrainian authors on the problems of evaluation and effective use of tourist and recreational resources are the theoretical and methodological basis of the research. The following methods are used in the process of solving the tasks: methods of analysis and synthesis (to study the essence of innovation processes, dialectics and the nature of their influence on the recreational sphere); the method of systematic generalization (to substantiate the concept of management of the development of Ukraine's tourism infrastructure in the conditions of global competition); institutional method (to study the value of institutional regulators in the development of tourism infrastructure). Findings. The nature-recreational potential of the mountain and foothill areas of the Transcarpathian region is characterized. The features of the tourism industry development in these territories are determined. It is established that in order to increase the efficiency and rational use of natural resources and tourist and recreational potential, it is extremely important to solve a whole range of tasks, namely: conducting inspection and inventory of the territories and objects of the nature reserve fund; restoration of work of inactive or inefficiently working tourist-recreational establishments, protection of historical and cultural heritage; ensuring the rational use of aquifers of thermal and mineral waters. Originality. Further development approaches to the assessment of tourist and recreational potential have been acquired. It is suggested to conduct a large-scale inventory of tourist and recreational resources of the region in order to further efficiently and rationally involve them in the tourism industry. Practical value. The range of problems of the recreation and tourism industry development is indicated based on the analysis of the current realities of tourism infrastructure in the region. The obtained results can be aimed at optimizing management of the development of tourism infrastructure.
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