• Vitalii Skotsyk National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
  • Ivan Svynous Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University
Keywords: energy efficiency, modernization, agricultural enterprise, program


Purpose. The purpose of the study is to develop theoretical, methodological and practical recommendations for increasing the level of energy efficiency of agricultural production on the basis of modernization of the technical base of enterprises of the corporate sector of the agrarian economy. Methodology of research. The following methods are used in the process of studying the problem and achieving the goal: monographic, statistical groupings – for a comprehensive analysis of the current state of the material and technical base of agricultural enterprises and the determination of the factors influencing its technical modernization; questionnaire – for gathering information on factors influencing the process of modernization of agricultural enterprises; comparison – to compare economic phenomena in different time periods in order to identify the cause-effect relationship; abstract and logical – in substantiating the equivalent exchange between producers of agricultural machinery and agricultural enterprises, as well as substantiation of the forms of the use of technology. Findings. It has been established that agriculture of Ukraine operates in more adverse climatic conditions in comparison with developed countries, which results in spending 20-30% of the energy resources consumed in this area on the heating of premises. At the same time, an increase in gross output in agriculture is achieved by 1% increase in power capacities by 1.8-2.7%, total energy costs for production of 1 t of conditional grain unit in Ukraine compared to the US exceeded more than 5 times. This circumstance requires the adoption of radical measures by both the state and agricultural producers through the development of a comprehensive program. Originality. The necessity of development and realization of the complex program of modernization of agricultural enterprises, the components of which should be: introduction of technologies of preserving agriculture is substantiated; energy-saving technologies, which provide for the minimum, soil tillage system ―No-Till‖; use of wide-reaching universal technology. Practical value. The substantiated and proposed technological measures show that the main volume of energy intensive works in grain production is the most expedient (up to 50%) to be carried out traction classes 6-8 (series 8000) with a capacity of 420-450 horsepower by tractors. In the cultivation of crop rotations and in general works in areas with small fields crop rotation will most efficiently use tractors of traction classes of 3–4 with engines of 210-240 horsepower Combine harvesters with a throughput of 910 kgF with an engine up to 250 horsepower will be most in demand on the combine harvesters market.


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How to Cite
Skotsyk, V., & Svynous, I. (2018). PROBLEMS OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN THE CONTEXT OF PROVISION OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES BY TECHNICAL MEANS. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(40), 76-83. Retrieved from