Purpose. The aim of the article is an analysis of the current state of multifaceted of the agrarian sector of Ukraine in order to substantiate practical recommendations for the further development of its structural components, in particular small and medium enterprises, in the directions that would ensure the realization of economic interests of subjects of land ownership relations, creation of additional workplaces, rational use of resources agriculture and increase productivity of agricultural production. Methodology of research. General scientific and special methods of research are used in the course of the research, in particular: the monographic method and the method of theoretical generalization are used in substantiating the essence of the multifaceted economy on the principles of coexistence within the framework of one state of private, state and mixed forms of ownership; settlement and constructive method - in the formation of a multifaceted system involves the creation on the basis of reformed agricultural enterprises, new in their content of organizational and legal forms of management. Findings. It is established that one of the signs of functioning of the economic system in the modern world is its multifaceted structure, which is based on the principles of coexistence within the framework of one state of private, state and mixed forms of ownership. It is substantiated that the following should be understood as a type of relations between the subjects of production activity, in which the specific system of management is determined on the basis of the expansion of the private sector. It is defined that the formation of a multi-system system involves the creation, on the basis of reformed agricultural enterprises, of new in its content of organizational and legal forms of management, the creation of new collective and private farms. It has been established that agrarian reform in aggregate involves the reform of pricing, taxation, rent payments, that is, the whole set of property relations in all spheres of social reproduction. Originality. The strategic directions and parameters of multifaceted are substantiated. It is determined that such structure of organization of a multifaceted agrarian sphere is strategic, which does not contradict, but, on the contrary, organically combines different forms and forms of management. The optimization of such system should be gradual, with the creation of material and technical base, industrial and social infrastructure in the countryside. At each stage, there should be criteria for this optimization, choose a reliable economic mechanism for resolving conflicts and reconciling the economic interests of farms, lease groups, cooperatives, service and processing industry enterprises. The transition to a multi-layered system involves expanding the private sector. Practical value. The obtained results of the study are aimed at the revival of the village on an industrial basis of the modern level, on the growth of agricultural production volumes, on the transformation of the agrarian sector into a highly efficient, exportable sector of the economy, which will contribute to the growth of the welfare of the population.
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