• Serhii Kotelban Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
Keywords: innovation, innovative development of the economy, innovation activity, state regulation of innovation developmen, mechanism


Purpose. The aim of the article is the development of theoretical bases of the state regulation of innovation development of the economy. Methodology of research. In the process of research, general scientific and special methods were used. In particular, the conceptual apparatus of the research of state regulation of innovative development of the economy is opened with the help of methods of generalization and morphological analysis. The results of the study are clearly presented using graphic and tabular methods. Using the abstract and logical method, conclusions and suggestions are formulated. Findings. The conceptual apparatus of the research of state regulation of innovation development of the economy is systematized, in particular the content of innovations and their types, is determined. The peculiarities of innovation development of the economy, its areas of provision and the importance of innovations for the cyclical nature of economic changes are explored. The structure of the mechanism of state regulation of innovation development of the economy with the disclosure of its purpose, goals, tasks and tools is determined. It is substantiated that the role of the state in providing innovative development of the economy remains the leading one. It is established that in the conditions of periodic political crises and macroeconomic instability, the regulatory influences of the state acquire non-systemic and ineffective features with limited budget financing, resulting in a country's economy losing competitive positions in a dynamically progressive global space. It is proved that it is necessary to strengthen the institutional positions of non-state structures under the current situation in Ukraine, in particular, small and medium-sized businesses, representatives of IT industries that form the demand for innovative products. Originality. The further development of the study of the mechanism of state regulation of innovation development of the economy, in particular, the areas of innovation development of the economy and the mechanisms of state regulation of innovation development of the economy has been further developed. Practical value. The results of the conducted research can be used to improve the mechanism of state regulation of innovation development of the economy, since the development of the latest forms of innovation cooperation according to sectoral interests will allow mobilizing the intellectual potential of the population and establishing a creative class in the social structure of Ukrainian society.


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How to Cite
Kotelban, S. (2018). MECHANISM OF PUBLIC REGULATION OF ECONOMIC INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT: THEORETICAL BASIS OF RESEARCH. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(40), 44-51. Retrieved from