Purpose. The aim of the article is investigation of the role of universities of the third and fourth generations in stimulating the development of the regional economic system. Methodology of research. The theoretical and practical research base has formed scientific developments of researches of international organizations and leading foreign authors on the problems of formation of fourth generation universities and the tasks of the University in the process of stimulating regional economic development. The following research methods are used in the process of solving the tasks: systematization and critical analysis (in the study of the classification of the results of the University's activities at the regional level); comparative analysis and comparison (in studying the problem of recruiting and selecting students for universities and the issue of balancing regional and metropolitan high schools); generalization and formalization (when developing recommendations for the local educational community). Findings. It is summarized that today we are talking about universities of the fourth generation, the most important difference being the presence of a strategic approach to their own development and the ability to actively form a competitive regional environment. It is substantiated that it is necessary to eliminate the isolation of higher education institutions from the local economy; in addition, it is also important that the results of research be useful to the local economy. It is determined that universities become centers for the development of society and economy, create new technologies, new sectors of science and economics, and form the environment around them. Originality. The author's vision of mechanisms to strengthen the role of universities in consolidating society is proposed, the formation of a new regional space, and, as a consequence, reducing the outflow of talented youth from the regions. Practical value. The implementation of the recommendations developed for the local educational, administrative and political community will contribute to the formation of universities in the regions as drivers of economic development, increase the competitiveness of the university itself, the region and the country as a whole, and will reduce the outflow of talented young people, which will ensure economic security both higher and the region.
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