Purpose. The aim of the article is the analysis of the financial situation of a banking institution (JSC “Ukreximbank”) in the context of strategic management of its activities. Methodology of research. The following tools of scientific research methods are used in order to achieve this goal: scientific abstraction, logical generalization, comparison and systematization – in substantiating the basic theoretical positions and categorical apparatus; synthesis, comparative and statistical analysis – in the study of information provision of strategic management; optimization methods – in assessing the strategic position of the bank in the segment of banking services market; the method of causal modelling – when substantiating the influence of financial indicators on the strategic management of the bank. Findings. It is substantiated that the efficiency of the financial activity of the bank, first of all, depends on the developed strategy of management. It was clarified that the financial condition of the bank is a set of indicators that reflect the availability, placement and use of financial resources. An analysis of the financial condition of the investigated bank is carried out. The efficiency of the capital structure of JSC “Ukreximbank” is analyzed and it is determined that the financial condition of JSC “Ukreximbank” is improving for the investigated period, which indicates that the bank has a balanced strategy of management, follows it and meets the normative indicators of the central apparatus. Originality. The suggestions on improving the process of developing the strategy of management of the bank activity are substantiated, as well as the efficiency of the structure of the capital of JSC “Ukreximbank” in the modern conditions has been analyzed. Practical value. The obtained results of the research are aimed at solving the problem of organizing the development of scientifically grounded strategic management of a banking institution on an example of the analysis of the bank's own capital.
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