• Bogdana Yarova National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: agricultural land, use, competition, land rent., efficiency


Purpose. The aim of the article is the analysis of social and economic efficiency of an improved model of agricultural land use. Methodology of research. Scientific methods of knowledge based on a systematic approach to solving problems used in the work as a methodological basis. A number of general and special scientific research methods are used to achieve this goal: dialectical, monographic (in the course of scientific publications); system analysis (in the study of indicators of land use efficiency); the method of analogies and comparisons, the complex analysis (in the formation of conclusions and proposals for the solution of the tasks); statistical (in the processing of statistical data), etc. Findings. The essence of the social and economic efficiency of using agricultural lands of state ownership and approaches to the formation of sustainable land use in Ukraine on the basis of increasing the efficiency of agricultu ral land use is revealed. The proposed model for determining the winner of the land contest, which, in comparison with the existing ones, enables to increase the redistribution of land rent in the interests of local communities. Originality. The mechanism of conducting tenders for the transfer of state and communal property to the lease, which involves an assessment not only of the size of the proposed fee for the use of plots, but also the redistribution of land rent in the interests of the local community, taking into account the place of registration of the tenant as a taxpayer, investment in local infrastructure, etc. Practical value. The obtained results will allow to increase revenues to the local budget through the payment of income tax to support rural medical, educational institutions, cultural objects, development of road transport infrastructure, etc.


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How to Cite
Yarova, B. (2018). IMPROVING THE MODEL FOR USE OF LAND FOR AGRICULTURAL APPOINTMENTS IN UKRAINE. Sustainable Development of Economy, (4(41), 109-114. Retrieved from