Keywords: construction management, operational optimisation, industrial projects, outsourcing, resource management, project life cycle analysis, management capability assessment, real cases, technological integration, sustainable projects


The article discusses the issue of operational optimisation in construction management, with a particular focus on industrial projects. Various aspects are explored, including outsourcing, competent resource management, project life cycle analysis, and management capability assessment. A new contribution is the synthesis of these different aspects into a holistic approach aimed at overcoming the complexities inherent in industrial construction projects. The main scientific problem under consideration is to increase operational efficiency while ensuring profitability and timely project implementation in a dynamic and complex construction environment. The paper presents a diagram of the outsourcing model in the logistics system of construction firms, which gives a clear picture of the strategic delegation of business processes to external organisations and the subsequent integration of internal and external flows. The influence of big data analytics on the possibilities of optimising resource management in construction projects is analysed; the advantages of big data analysis in resource management are shown. It is substantiated that the integration of modern resource management systems (RMS) has changed the rules of the game in achieving effective resource management. The integration of digital technologies, such as building information modelling (BIM) and geographic information systems (GIS), has played an important role in increasing visibility and control over the project life cycle. This paper presents a structured assessment framework that is necessary for a thorough analysis of managerial capabilities. This framework should include a variety of competencies that are considered necessary to optimise operational performance in construction projects. It is proved that the use of training and development programmes designed specifically to address the identified competency gaps is a pragmatic approach to improving management effectiveness. The ideas presented in the article not only show improvements in project management practices, but also create a favourable environment for future research and achievements in the field of construction management optimisation.


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How to Cite
Khytrova, O. (2025). OPTIMISATION OF PROCESSES AND RESOURCES IN CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT. Sustainable Development of Economy, (1 (52), 137-143. https://doi.org/10.32782/2308-1988/2025-52-19