Keywords: financial ecosystems, digital technologies, FinTech, innovations, customer-centricity


The article examines the main directions of development of financial ecosystems in the context of modern digital transformation, globalization of the economy and growing competition. Attention is focused on the role of the ecosystem approach, which involves the integration of banking, financial and non-financial services within the framework of single digital platforms. Such an approach allows not only to meet the growing needs of consumers, but also contributes to the creation of innovative business models, increasing the efficiency of interaction between participants in the financial sector and expanding access to services. At the core of financial ecosystems are customers, whose expectations for personalized, fast, and convenient services have become key drivers of development. Modern technologies, such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, big data, and digital platforms (e.g., super-apps), enable the integration and automation of financial processes, simplifying access to services and making them available to a wider range of users, including those who previously lacked access to financial tools. The article also highlights global trends in financial ecosystem development, particularly the growing role of fintech companies and their ability to deliver innovative solutions in collaboration with traditional financial institutions. The authors explore interaction models that allow resource pooling, the creation of new products, and market expansion. Special attention is given to the structure of financial ecosystems, which encompasses traditional financial intermediaries, fintech startups, regulatory bodies, technology providers, educational institutions, and government agencies. Furthermore, the article examines technological aspects that ensure the effective functioning of ecosystems. For example, the implementation of microservices architecture, APIs, data analytics, and cloud technologies allows participants to interact on equal terms and collaboratively generate value. The significance of introducing financial technologies into insurance, investment, lending, asset management, and other areas is also highlighted. A financial ecosystem is not just a set of technologies or institutions, but a dynamic network that ensures sustainable economic development, promotes social progress and creates conditions for global cooperation. It plays an important role in ensuring the inclusiveness, stability and adaptation of the financial sector to changes in the global environment.


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How to Cite
Oleshko, T., Maryna, A., & Sushyryba, R. (2025). DIRECTIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF FINANCIAL ECOSYSTEMS. Sustainable Development of Economy, (1 (52), 116-120.