The article addresses current issues in determining effective operational management directions for enterprises. It outlines the essence of operational management and defines its purpose and objectives. The article characterizes the functions of planning, organization, coordination, motivation, and control in operational management that are designed to ensure enterprise efficiency. It describes organizational, administrative, economic, and socio-psychological management methods as tools for influencing employees, resources, and enterprise processes. The principles of operational management aimed at increasing its effectiveness are summarized. The article substantiates the directions that ensure enterprise efficiency and stability. Emphasis is placed on effective operational management organization through strategies that optimize operation execution time. The organizational procedures for managing operational innovations are highlighted within the strategy. These procedures enable identification, analysis, and prediction of possible or actual changes, side effects, and phenomena, while correlating the goals and criteria of improved or adaptive innovations with the operational system's general objectives. The article proposes ways to improve operational management efficiency through: implementation of digital platforms, integration of the industrial Internet of Things, adoption of artificial intelligence and process automation, utilization of blockchain technology, application of data analytics and digital platforms for supply chain management optimization, implementation of principles for creating flexible manufacturing systems, application of methods to ensure high process quality. The article emphasizes the necessity of environmentally clean production, resource use optimization, and reduction of harmful emissions to minimize negative environmental impact and improve operational management efficiency. It demonstrates the importance of developing and implementing management decisions in operational management to ensure effective functioning of all production processes. Finally, it envisions the creation of powerful business tools through the proposed technologies, methods, and principles of operational management, enabling the achievement of new heights in efficiency and innovation.
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