Keywords: information systems, customs authorities, customs information systems, technological challenges, modernization


In modern conditions, the study of the prospects for adapting customs information systems to modern technological challenges, ensuring their security, efficiency and compliance with the requirements of the globalized trade environment is of particular relevance. The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence and characteristic features of customs information systems, conduct a SWOT analysis of their work, and identify the main technological challenges to substantiate the ways of their modernization in order to increase the efficiency of customs administration in the conditions of digital transformation. The study uses the methods of system analysis, comparative analysis, SWOT analysis, and theoretical generalization to study technological challenges and determine the prospects for the modernization of customs information systems. The essence and characteristic features of customs information systems are determined, which include integration, automation, standardization, transparency, data security, analytics and flexibility. A SWOT analysis of the functioning of customs information systems is conducted, which allowed for a comprehensive assessment of their strengths and weaknesses, opportunities for development and potential threats. Particular attention is paid to identifying the main technological challenges that affect the stability and efficiency of these systems, including issues of integration with global information platforms, transparency and the fight against corruption, personnel training and qualification maintenance, cybersecurity and adaptation to dynamic changes in international trade. In addition, the prospects for modernization of customs information systems through the introduction of innovative technologies, improving system interoperability, further automation and optimization of processes, development of intelligent analytical systems, improving access to information and services, increasing cybersecurity, ensuring sustainable development and adaptation to global changes are substantiated.


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How to Cite
Rudenko, V., Pohrishchuk, H., & Rumiantseva, K. (2025). TECHNOLOGICAL CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS FOR MODERNIZATION OF CUSTOMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS. Sustainable Development of Economy, (1 (52), 102-108.