Keywords: marketing, strategic management, emergent phenomena, cognitive architecture, neuropsychology, experience economy, sensory communications


In an era of profound metamorphoses driven by the integration of digital technologies into the global economy, strategic enterprise management is compelled to adapt to extraordinary operating conditions characterized by the accelerated evolution of technological processes and the phenomenon of the experience economy. This article presents a comprehensive analysis of the synergetic interplay between marketing practices and cognitive-affective structures that contribute to building multidimensional customer experiences. It highlights the key mechanisms that foster the creation of unforgettable emotional impressions during brand interactions through personalized communications spanning diverse sensory channels. The study analyzes infrastructural aspects of integrating modern digital tools and algorithmic mechanisms into the creation of effective ecosystems for marketing interactions. Particular attention is paid to the synergetic impact mechanisms of multi-vector platforms and neuromarketing practices, which combine technological innovation with psychological adaptation to ensure the formation of deep emotional connections with end consumers. The development of ideas regarding the effectiveness of personalized communication strategies is furthered by utilizing customized technologies that enhance cognitive and emotional engagement levels. The research also focuses on an interface-based approach to forming market strategies that depend on changes in the psychological and emotional context of enterprise-consumer interactions through digital channels. The necessity of comprehensive use of innovative neurosensory approaches, combining verbal and non-verbal stimuli to maximize the emotional and cognitive effect of interactions, is underscored. In conclusion, it is summarized that the conceptualization of the experience economy, built on the integration of technological innovations and neuropsychological approaches, is a necessary condition for ensuring enterprise sustainability in the global digital space. It is determined that this synergy is the key to achieving long-term competitiveness and creating new paradigms of brand-consumer interaction based on emotionally driven marketing and intelligent technologies.


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