The article examines the problems associated with the integration of economic and regulatory support for social dialogue in Ukraine with European standards and best practices. Social dialogue is considered in the context of interaction between various social groups, governments, non-governmental organizations and international institutions. The impact of war on the specific conditions for the implementation of social partnership is separately considered. The views of foreign and Ukrainian scientists on the implementation of social dialogue in times of crisis are analyzed. It is determined that social dialogue is a tool for resolving social conflicts, forming effective policies, and the basis of a platform for discussion and compromise, which is critically important in times of crisis. The article analyzes the methods and procedures for out-of-court settlement of labor disputes in the context of labor market transformation. The most common are conciliation and arbitration procedures, which are defined by the terms "conciliation", "mediation" and "arbitration". Conciliation and arbitration, arbitration and arbitration processes, mediation and facilitation (alternative methods of conflict resolution) are characterized by significant advantages compared to judicial procedures, the main content of which is less formality, greater adaptability and speed. Statistical analysis of registration, consideration and resolution of labor disputes (according to the National Mediation and Conciliation Service) showed that the number of labor conflicts is increasing. The most common reasons for the increase in the number of labor disputes (conflicts) in Ukraine are the following: non-payment of wages, violation of working conditions, staff reduction, reduction of salaries, changes in legislation, social guarantees, the impact of war, mass layoffs, socio-economic crisis, restoration of enterprises, the need for adaptation. Social tension in society inhibits the development of the labor market and the movement of Ukraine into the EU. Developing constructive solutions to problem situations in the field of social and labor relations contributes to the reduction of social tension in society and the integration of Ukraine into the international labor market . Alternative technologies for resolving conflicts in labor relations are a tool for integrating the Ukrainian labor market into the EU structure, as well as an additional guarantee for market entities in the implementation of the constitutional right to an adequate option for resolving the conflict in order to protect the labor rights of citizens of Ukraine, Europe, and forced migrants.
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