The theoretical and methodical approaches to the evaluation of the economic foundations of the formation of solidarity tourism have been analyzed. Solidarity tourism, which is gaining more and more popularity in the modern world, is defined as a form of travel that aims to promote the development of social, economic and environmental well-being of local communities. It has been established that solidarity tourism not only contributes to the development of tourist destinations, but also positively affects social stability, contributing to the harmonious use of resources and ensuring equal opportunities for different population groups. Various approaches to measuring the economic aspects of solidarity tourism, taking into account its impact on the local economy, social stability and balanced use of resources, have been studied. It was found that a comprehensive assessment of the economic impact of solidarity tourism needs to take into account a wide range of indicators, including direct and indirect economic effects, social and environmental consequences. An overview of existing theoretical concepts is presented and methodological approaches to measuring economic indicators in the context of solidarity tourism are developed. It was found that for the effective implementation of solidarity tourism, it is necessary to develop a toolkit that will allow accurate assessment of its impact on the local economy and social development. An analysis of the practical experience of implementing solidarity tourism in different regions of the world was carried out, which made it possible to identify the main factors of success and problems faced by local communities. The results of the article are aimed at improving the toolkit for assessing the impact of solidarity tourism on the economy and development of local communities. The implemented methods and approaches will contribute to the creation of sustainable and balanced development models that will ensure the long-term well-being of local communities and contribute to their economic growth. It was also established that the development of solidarity tourism requires the active participation of all interested parties, including governmental and non-governmental organizations, local communities and tourists. Therefore, the research results are important for the theory and practice of solidarity tourism, as they allow a deeper understanding of its economic and social aspects, as well as contribute to the further development of this direction of tourism.
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