Purpose. The aim of the article is the generalization of the disadvantages of the approved method of determining the value of the subsistence minimum and justification of the necessity of its change in order to ensure the maximum compliance of the standard with the real value of the consumer basket of goods and services. Methodology of research. The following methods of scientific knowledge are used in the process of research: logical and analytical methods, in particular methods of analogy and comparison, induction and deduction, scientific abstraction – for theoretical generalization, clarification of the conceptual apparatus on the problem, formulation of conclusions; tabular – for the visual display of the analyzed data; direct analysis and synthesis – to systematize the experience of developed countries of the studied problem. Findings. The necessity of immediate revision of the methodology for determining the subsistence minimum and consumer basket in Ukraine is substantiated. It is indicated in the expediency of completing the list of necessary goods and services, taking into account their real value for a specific year. It is stated that when improving the methodology for determining the subsistence minimum and the consumer basket, it is necessary to take into account both the positive and the negative experience of foreign countries. It is also necessary to take into account the constant changes and the impact of economic, social and other factors on the standard of living of the population. Originality. The further systematization and synthesis of the methodology for determining the composition and value of the consumer basket in the countries of Western Europe and the United States have further developed, which, in contrast to the existing ones, proves the expediency of refusing the normative method of defining social indicators and changing existing sets of goods and services in accordance with modern conditions. Practical value. The results of the study may be proposed for the modernization of the system of calculating social standards in transformational economies and will promote the improvement of living standards of the population, the development of the social protection system.
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