The article presents a bibliographic analysis of scientific research on the social responsibility of cement production enterprises according to the Scopus scientometric database. The analysis of the results of scientific research was carried out using the VOSviewer 1.6.20 software. In the context of the cement industry, which is currently one of the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions and a significant negative impact on the environment, the implementation of CSR principles becomes particularly relevant. The following key words were selected to search for scientific publications: “social responsibility” and “cement”. Grouping of scientific publications available in the Scopus scientometric database allowed us to identify the subject areas that are characterized by the largest number of studies on the social responsibility of cement production enterprises: social sciences; business, management and accounting; environmental sciences. Eight clusters of scientific research on social responsibility in the cement industry were formed, which emphasize the importance of integrating economic, social and environmental aspects in order to transform cement production towards sustainable development. The first cluster focuses on costs, investments and strategic planning; the second on sustainable development and decision-making; the third on CSR initiatives, interaction with communities and productivity; the fourth cluster focuses on waste management, climate change and sustainable supply chains; the fifth on leadership and stakeholder engagement; the sixth on competitive advantages and technologies; the seventh on compliance with legislation; the eighth on circular economy and environmental management. A bibliographic analysis of scientific research on the social responsibility of cement enterprises revealed a variety of approaches to studying this multifaceted problem. Scientific research in this area is the basis for developing effective strategies that will allow cement enterprises not only to comply with national and international standards, but also to achieve competitive advantages in the long term.
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