The article examines the methodological principles of analyzing the financial results of agrarian business enterprises. Their role for the development of the industry and enterprises, in particular, as well as the importance of analysis, which allows for timely identification of problems, risk assessment and development of a strategy for achieving stable development of the economic entity, was assessed. Various terms used in the economic literature to describe the process of evaluating the financial results of enterprises (analysis, evaluation, diagnosis, monitoring, analytical support) were studied. Despite certain differences, they form a single system aimed at a comprehensive assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise and its financial results. The task of analyzing the financial results of the agricultural industry at different levels (micro; meso and macro levels) has been formulated. Approaches to the areas of analysis of the financial results of enterprises found in the economic literature have been systematized. Research indicates that there is no single dominant method, since the choice of the most effective tool depends on a number of factors, including the purpose of the analysis, the specifics of the enterprise's activities, the availability of data, and the qualifications of the analyst. The choice of the optimal method and areas of analysis depends on the specific objectives of the study and the characteristics of the analyzed enterprise. The features of the agricultural industry that must be taken into account when building a model for analyzing financial results are characterized, they are systematized as follows: seasonality and cyclicality (uneven income; the influence of weather conditions; price fluctuations); the specificity of assets (biological assets; long-term investments); the influence of state policy (grants and subsidies; market regulation); technological features (mechanization and automation; biotechnology); environmental factors (organic production; environmental restrictions). The following measures are proposed to improve the analysis of financial results of agricultural enterprises: expanding the range of analyzed indicators; improving analysis methods; improving the quality of financial reporting; automating analysis processes; improving personnel skills; taking into account the specifics of agricultural business; attracting external experts for complex analytical studies.
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