The article addresses the pressing issues of ensuring sustainable development in Ukraine amidst global economic challenges and ecological threats. It highlights the adaptation of the national economy to sustainable development standards, analyzes the impact of these changes on the country’s internal socio-economic policy, and proposes effective mechanisms for addressing key challenges. The purpose of the article is to analyze the problems of ensuring sustainable development in Ukraine and to identify the main directions for their resolution. The research methods include a systematic approach to analyzing the interconnections between economic, social, and environmental factors of sustainable development; comparative analysis and statistical methods to study key indicators of sustainable development in Ukraine. The author's contribution lies in identifying the main barriers to sustainable development, such as weak institutional frameworks, insufficient investment in the "green" economy, and internal economic instability. The study also proposes innovative management mechanisms aimed at harmonizing economic, ecological, and social policies. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the detailed analysis of the role of state policy in ensuring sustainable development, particularly through the implementation of digital innovations and the stimulation of "green" economy growth. Adaptation mechanisms for improving the national strategy in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals are also proposed. The practical significance of the results includes the development of recommendations for government authorities on attracting international investments into "green" economy projects. The main findings indicate that Ukraine has significant potential to achieve sustainable development through integration into international economic processes and the use of modern technologies. However, overcoming existing barriers requires strengthening the institutional framework, modernizing the regulatory system, and activating investments in renewable energy and innovations.
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