The implementation of international financial accounting standards (IFRS) in the national financial field has the potential to transform business development processes, creating broad economic opportunities and integrating the latest requirements. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of international accounting standards on the financial statements of enterprises in Ukraine. The study was conducted using general scientific methods of cognition, in particular, logical and structural analysis, synthesis, scientific abstraction and generalization. The study examines the benefits of integrating international accounting standards in Ukraine, including minimizing risks for investors and creditors, reducing the cost of developing standards, and simplifying access to credit and financial resources. The author identifies related challenges, in particular, the increased need for significant human and financial resources for the adaptation period. It is substantiated that the successful implementation of IFRS requires effective communication between all stakeholders in order to ensure rapid adaptation and careful monitoring. It is proved that the integration of international accounting standards creates prerequisites for increasing the level of confidence in financial statements and their transparency in the context of Ukrainian business, which provides prerequisites for attracting potential investors and creditors. The practical significance of the research results lies in the feasibility of their application to improve the financial performance of enterprises. At the same time, given the specific conditions for the development of infrastructure and legal support of the Ukrainian business environment, it is necessary to level the challenges caused by adaptation to new standards and the lack of qualified labor. Optimization of the financial reporting system through the integration of IFRS is a critically important element of ensuring the accuracy and objectivity of data. This allows you to make informed management decisions, reduces financial risks for creditors and investors, increases the trust of partners, improves the image of the company and simplifies the establishment of new business contacts, which together contributes to successful economic development.
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