Keywords: balance sheet, reporting, asset, liability, information, tool, users, management, analysis


The balance sheet is the main instrument of financial reporting of an enterprise, which allows summarizing information about its financial position as of a particular date. The article examines the legal basis for balance sheet preparation, which is regulated by the Law of Ukraine “On Accounting and Financial Reporting in Ukraine” and the National Accounting Regulations (Standards) (NAR). Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the balance sheet structure, its main functions and characteristics, as well as its role in meeting the information needs of both internal and external users, such as investors, creditors and regulatory authorities. The study covers the historical development of the balance sheet concept, starting from the classical control over the accuracy of records to the modern understanding of it as a tool for analytical evaluation of assets, liabilities and capital of an enterprise. The balance sheet is considered as an important tool for managing the financial stability of an enterprise, allowing to identify trends in the structure of assets and liabilities, as well as providing a basis for developing development strategies, planning activities and assessing competitive advantages. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the structure of the balance sheet of enterprises in Ukraine for 2021-2024, in particular among agricultural enterprises. The main trends in changes in balance sheet items are described, which reflect improved liquidity and financial stability, but there are also challenges, such as the growth of current liabilities. This study emphasizes the importance of financial statements for economic decision-making and emphasizes the importance of the correct balance sheet format to increase the information content and reliability of financial data. To improve the methodology of financial reporting, it is recommended that companies introduce automation of the process, which will reduce errors and reduce the time for preparing reports. It is also important to improve data control, expand analytical reporting capabilities, and ensure timely preparation of documents in accordance with regulatory requirements. Taking these measures into account will allow companies to improve the accuracy and transparency of financial reporting, which is critical for making informed management decisions.


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How to Cite
Leha, O., Yermolaeva, M., & Tyutyunnyk, S. (2025). BALANCE SHEET INFORMATION CONTENT: ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS. Sustainable Development of Economy, (1 (52), 14-21.