Keywords: hospitality industry, labor market, labor adaptation, internal and external migration, professional development, workforce, flexible employment strategies, economic recovery


The article examines the significant transformations within Ukraine's labor market in the hospitality sector amidst the ongoing war. Authors highlight the severe challenges faced by hotels, restaurants, and tourism businesses, including reduced tourist flows, infrastructure destruction, economic instability, and workforce migration. The aim of the article is to provide a comprehensive analysis of these challenges, identify key trends, and explore adaptive strategies implemented by enterprises to sustain operations under crisis conditions. The results of the article indicate that despite the unprecedented challenges, Ukraine's hospitality industry demonstrates notable resilience and adaptability. Businesses, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises in safer regions, have pivoted their operations to focus on local markets and internal displaced populations. Flexible employment models, such as part-time work, short-term contracts, and reduced schedules, have emerged as practical responses to workforce challenges. However, these strategies are often accompanied by lower wages and diminished job security for employees. Additionally, the outflow of skilled labor has exacerbated workforce shortages, while the necessity for professional retraining has become increasingly urgent. It is concluded that that overcoming the current labor market crisis requires coordinated efforts from the government, educational institutions, and businesses. Practical recommendations include strengthening state employment policies, providing support for workforce retraining programs, and encouraging businesses to invest in professional development. The article underscores the potential for recovery and long-term sustainability of Ukraine's hospitality industry by fostering local employment opportunities, addressing workforce deficits, and enhancing the sector's adaptability to post-war reconstruction. The article holds practical value for policymakers, business owners, and educators by offering insights into the adaptive mechanisms of the hospitality labor market and identifying strategies for its recovery. It provides a foundation for further exploration of sustainable solutions aimed at stabilizing employment and promoting economic resilience in Ukraine's hospitality sector.


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How to Cite
Mandryk, V., Hovda, H., & Novak, U. (2025). ADAPTATION OF THE LABOR MARKET IN THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY OF UKRAINE IN THE CONDITIONS OF WAR AND POST-WAR PERIOD. Sustainable Development of Economy, (1 (52), 27-33.