The relevance of energy saving in the implementation of the concept of sustainable development and circular economy and the place of the construction industry and housing construction in this process, in particular, the essence of the concept of energy efficiency of a building and the requirements of domestic legislation regarding the energy efficiency of housing construction facilities and its compliance with European requirements are considered. The state is analyzed and the need to increase the efficiency of the existing and the reconstruction of the housing stock destroyed by the war is established, its maintenance with strict compliance with the requirements of the legislation regarding energy efficiency and the introduction of perspective standards for EU countries is established. It is defined that the methodology for designing energy-efficient buildings involves considering the building as a single energy system, which is formed by two independent subsystems - the external climate and a complex of engineering subsystems, energetically interconnected. This approach does not take into account the peculiarities of the formation of the energy efficiency of a building at all stages of its life cycle, since it combines differently time-dependent processes and different performers. The need to assess the energy efficiency of residential buildings by the final result and at each stage of the life cycle requires new approaches. To achieve the goal of the study, the feasibility and organizational principles of a systemic integrated approach to the formation of an energy efficiency assessment system taking into account energy consumption at all stages of the life cycle of residential construction objects are substantiated and organizational principles of a systemic integrated approach to the formation of an energy efficiency assessment system are proposed. It is suggested to distinguish three components in the life cycle of a residential construction object - the investment and construction cycle, the operational cycle and dismantling, and when considering it as a system, to consider three subsystems - construction, operation and dismantling, which together form an integral picture of all processes and energy efficiency in particular. Such an approach, in addition, will provide the possibility of controlling the specified indicators at the junctions of subsystems, since the output of the previous subsystem is the input of the next subsystem.
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