The article is devoted to actual theoretical, methodological and practical problems of cross-border cooperation in the field of ecological tourism between Ukraine and neighboring countries of the European Union (EU). It was found that ecological tourism plays an important role in the implementation of the concept of sustainable development and preservation of the natural environment. It is noted that in the conditions of Russia's war against Ukraine, the development of ecological tourism in many regions of Ukraine is significantly complicated. Many eco-tourism sites in Ukraine remain inaccessible due to significant risks and security threats caused by Russia's military aggression. It is substantiated that over the past decades, the importance of ecological tourism in the territories adjacent to the border of Ukraine and neighboring EU countries has been gradually increasing. Attention was drawn to the importance of the development of ecological tourism in the territories adjacent to the border of Ukraine and neighboring EU countries. It is emphasized that in the current conditions in Ukraine, there is a need to develop a theoretical and methodological basis that will take into account a number of regional features that affect the development of ecological tourism in the border regions of Ukraine and EU countries, as well as ensuring the rational and effective use of ecological tourism resources. It is substantiated that cross-border cooperation in the field of ecological tourism between Ukraine and the countries of the European Union plays an important role in the socio-economic development of Ukraine and contributes to the rational and effective use of natural resources in accordance with the concept of sustainable development. Attention is drawn to the fact that in the current conditions of Russia's war against Ukraine, the development of ecological tourism at the cross-border level between Ukraine and EU countries is significantly complicated. Many eco-tourism facilities in the border regions, in particular the Odesa region, remain inaccessible due to significant risks and security threats caused by Russia's military aggression. It was emphasized that the development of ecological tourism in the border regions of Ukraine and EU countries is possible only under the condition of ensuring the safety of people, creating a competitive ecological tourism product, which becomes real only thanks to effective cross-border cooperation, effective interstate socio-ecological-economic interaction, as well as the formation of favorable organizational, economic and legal conditions for attracting both national and foreign investments in the field of ecological tourism.
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