The article explores the challenges and opportunities associated with the development of core health services in the Lviv agglomeration, as an association of the territorial communities in Western Ukraine. The current difficulties–such as underfunding, resource disparities, and administrative fragmentation are presented in the article. The analysis breaks down these challenges into specific groupings: financial constraints (limited budgets hinder the ability of municipalities to upgrade healthcare infrastructure and expand service coverage); healthcare workforce shortages (the shortage of skilled healthcare professionals exacerbates the challenges in service delivery); service ccessibility: (rural communities face barriers in accessing healthcare services); legal aspects; demographic factors; urban-rural disparities (differences in healthcare quality and access between urban and rural areas are significant); environmental challenges; сultural aspects; patient experience; organization of providing assistance to patients with certain nosologies and management challenges. The various challenges of intercommunity collaboration and their potential to enhance service delivery while maintaining financial sustainability are presented in the article. The existing healthcare infrastructure, highlighting gaps in service coverage and disparities between communities of Lviv agglomeration are analyzed. Тhe importance of developing and training medical personnel for the digitalization of healthcare are highlighted in the article. A collaborative network of healthcare facilities across the agglomeration can help ensure equitable distribution of services, particularly to underserved areas. The article emphasizes that strategic planning is key for overcoming these challenges. Comprehensive, long-term approach that promotes cooperation among municipalities, ensuring an equitable and sustainable healthcare system across the Lviv agglomeration are advocated in the article. The potential of telemedicine as a tool for bridging the gap in rural healthcare accessibility is also explored in the article.
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