Keywords: non-profit organizations, financing, financial activity, financial provision, financial resources


The article focuses on the financial support of non-profit organizations, highlighting its importance for their stable and effective functioning. The main sources of financial support for these organizations, including state funding, voluntary donations, grants, income from economic activities and alternative financing methods, have been considered. The importance of these organizations in various social, cultural, educational and charitable spheres, contributing to the development of civil society and supporting vulnerable segments of the population, has been emphasized in the article. The study discusses the problems faced by non-profit organizations in securing financial resources, including high dependence on external sources, as well as the need for effective mechanisms for attracting, distributing and managing these funds. The article analyzes the legislative framework governing the activities of non-profit organizations in Ukraine, in particular the Tax and Economic Codes, as well as the financial features that distinguish them from commercial organizations. This highlights the lack of a separate law specifically for non-profit organizations, with the need to comply with other legal norms and special regulations depending on the type of organization. In addition, the article discusses the complexities of managing financial risks in non-profit organizations, in particular in the context of economic instability and changing legislative environments. The importance of adaptive financial strategies and the ability to adapt to new economic realities while ensuring the continuation of social missions has been emphasized. In addition, the article examines the various financing options available to non-profit organizations, including government funding, grants, private donations, crowdfunding, and other types of revenue. It indicates that government funding is often accompanied by strict reporting requirements, while other funding avenues provide greater flexibility but require constant innovation in fundraising methods. Nonprofit organizations must effectively balance these resources to ensure long-term sustainability. The article concludes by emphasizing that the financial sustainability of nonprofit organizations is essential to their ability to continue implementing socially significant projects. The ability to secure and effectively manage financial resources, adhering to the principles of transparency and accountability, is crucial to the success and longevity of nonprofit organizations. The study calls for continuous improvement of financial management practices and the development of new strategies for attracting funding that will contribute to the ability of organizations to achieve their social goals.


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How to Cite
Horvat, T., Luhosh, L., & Ihnatko, Y. (2025). FINANCIAL PROVISION FOR THE ACTIVITIES OF NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS. Sustainable Development of Economy, (4(51), 414-418.