The author examines the features of the "green economy" concept for construction companies, noting that this concept is focused on using both economic and non-economic management methods, which not only reduces the environmental impact of the industry but also ensures the long-term competitiveness of companies. The advantages of implementing the "green economy" concept in Ukraine's construction sector are described, including reducing construction companies' costs through resource consumption optimization, ensuring compliance with international environmental standards, strengthening competitiveness in the domestic market through the introduction of innovative technologies, and attracting foreign investments in sustainable development projects. The author proposes key areas for green investment, such as implementing energy-efficient technologies, minimizing waste, and transitioning to renewable energy sources, which open up new opportunities for transforming the construction sector. Modern financial instruments for "green" financing in the development of the construction industry are described: green bonds (funds can be directed toward creating energy-efficient residential complexes, implementing waste management technologies, or projects related to water resource conservation during construction), green loans, investment funds for sustainable construction (private investors are increasingly directing their funds to support ecological construction projects), programs of support from international organizations (the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and other international institutions offer financial and technical support to construction companies for implementing ecological projects), and derivative financial instruments (futures and options). The conclusion is made that the implementation of "green" financial instruments in the development strategy of construction companies will not only minimize environmental impact but also open access to new sources of financing, increase the competitiveness of construction companies in the international market, and contribute to the creation of a sustainable business model.
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