Keywords: innovation, innovation potential, innovation capital, innovation accounting, accounting methodology


The article is devoted to the conceptual and methodological foundations of reflecting the innovative potential of an enterprise and its components in the accounting and financial reporting system. The relevance of the article is due to the importance of innovations among the factors of enterprise development, as a result of which they become an object of interest of various groups of stakeholders. Stakeholders external to enterprises can satisfy their information needs regarding the possibilities of their innovative development only through public reporting of these enterprises. Thus, the presentation of innovations in the system of accounting and public accounting reporting is necessary in terms of ensuring the fulfillment of the information function of accounting. However, the format of presentation of innovation potential and its components in this system is neither mandatory nor methodologically defined, while the current accounting methodology provides for a number of restrictions on the recognition and evaluation of certain objects that can form the potential for innovative development of enterprises. The purpose of the paper is to study the conceptual and methodological foundations of representation of innovation potential in the accounting and reporting system of enterprises. In the course of preparation of the study, the article uses general and special methods of scientific research, primarily the dialectical method of cognition, as well as the method of deduction, to substantiate the specifics of applying accounting principles to the reflection of components of innovation potential in its system, and to extend to them the proposals for the development of accounting methodology and representation of intellectual capital of enterprises in financial statements. The main results of the study presented in the article include: substantiation of the application of generally accepted accounting principles for the presentation of components of innovation potential in its system; identification of methodological limitations in the presentation of the innovation potential of enterprises and its components in the accounting and financial reporting system; proposals for ways to address the identified limitations in the methodology of accounting for the innovation potential of enterprises and its components. The theoretical value of the obtained results of the study lies in the formation of a conceptual framework for further substantiation of methodological approaches to the representation of innovation potential in the accounting and reporting system of enterprises.


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How to Cite
Pylypenko, L., Voskalo, V., & Sorokovyi, P. (2025). CONCEPTUAL AND METHODOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF ACCOUNTING FOR INNOVATION POTENTIAL. Sustainable Development of Economy, (4(51), 329-333.