Keywords: accounting, economic activity, enterprise, e-commerce, digital solutions, blockchain, AI


The article discusses the latest digital solutions that play a key role in accounting for economic activities of enterprises in the context of contemporary challenges, particularly during the pandemic and geopolitical instability. Modern technologies, such as blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI), provide new opportunities to increase transparency, efficiency, and security in accounting processes. Blockchain, due to its distributed nature, allows for the real-time storage and verification of financial transactions, significantly reducing the risk of fraud. Meanwhile, AI can automate routine tasks, analyze large amounts of data, and offer forecasts, contributing to more informed managerial decisions. Special attention is given to e-commerce as a crucial element of digital transformation for enterprises, enabling them to adapt to new market realities and meet growing consumer demands. The implementation of digital solutions not only optimizes accounting practices but also enhances the competitiveness of businesses. The analysis explores successful case studies of digital solutions employed to optimize accounting practices, enhance financial management, and improve overall business competitiveness. It further examines how these technological innovations contribute to the strategic integration of digital tools, ensuring better adaptability to changing economic environments, while reducing inefficiencies and boosting profitability within enterprises. The study also examines the prospects of digitizing accounting in Ukraine, emphasizing the importance of innovation for sustainable economic growth. It concludes that the introduction of new technologies into accounting practices requires not only technical changes but also shifts in enterprise management culture, a complex yet necessary process under current conditions. This transformation entails fostering an environment that supports continuous learning and adaptation to emerging technologies. Furthermore, it emphasizes the importance of developing a strategic vision that integrates digital tools into organizational structures, ensuring that employees and management are aligned with the evolving business needs and technological advancements.


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How to Cite
Nesterenko, I., & Kovalevska, N. (2025). LATEST DIGITAL SOLUTIONS FOR ACCOUNTING ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES OF ENTERPRISES AMID CONTEMPORARY CHALLENGES. Sustainable Development of Economy, (4(51), 322-328.