Keywords: fiscal policy, discretionary fiscal policy, non-discretionary fiscal policy, military reconstruction, post-war modernization


The article analyses the main concepts of formation and implementation of fiscal policy, its role in economic recovery and sustainable development, since fiscal policy in martial law and post-war recovery is of particular importance, since it is the main instrument for ensuring economic stability, recovery and modernization. Attention is focused on the experience of Ukrainian and foreign scholars who study the mechanisms of economic regulation in wartime and post-war periods. Fiscal policy is the main regulator of resource mobilization for defense, stabilization and further recovery of the country. It is aimed at centralized planning, controlling the distribution of strategic materials, stimulating key industries and international coordination. A special role is played by the adaptation of taxation mechanisms and budgetary and fiscal instruments to the crisis. The article provides an analysis of the stages of transition from war to sustainable development, emphasizing the importance of state regulation and its evolution depending on the phase of the recovery process. The emphasis is placed on the need for an integrated approach to the implementation of fiscal policy, taking into account international experience, including the following mechanisms: simplification of tax procedures, reduction of rates, creation of tax incentives for investment, introduction of automatic stabilizers and special economic zones. The study presents a comparative analysis of the experience of Germany, Japan, Singapore, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and South Korea, which have successfully implemented economic recovery strategies. The author highlights the importance of such measures as tax cuts, introduction of incentives for investment in high-tech industries, simplification of tax administration and harmonization of tax systems with international standards. Special attention is paid to the importance of integrating long-term and short-term measures. In the wartime period, preference is given to resource mobilization, while in the post-war period, the focus is on stimulating the economy through investment in infrastructure, job creation, support for national production and development of the domestic market. Discretionary and non-discretionary fiscal policies are considered to be important instruments that can reduce cyclical fluctuations in the economy. The article highlights their advantages and limitations and emphasizes the importance of their combined use to ensure economic stability. Automatic stabilizers, such as progressive taxation and social programmers, are the basis of non-discretionary policies, while discretionary measures are aimed at responding flexibly to economic challenges.


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