Based on an extensive body of scientific literature on the principles of building an enterprise economic security system, the author concludes that there is significant diversity in authors' views on the issue under study. The current economic system of Ukraine is undergoing significant changes driven by transformational processes, particularly due to globalization, digitalization, and changes in the regulatory environment. These changes pose new challenges and threats to the economic security of enterprises, requiring the adaptation of existing risk management approaches. In particular, there is a growing need to develop an economic security system capable of quickly responding to dynamic changes in both internal and external environments. The relevance of the topic lies in the necessity to revise the fundamental principles of constructing such systems, taking into account the transformations of the economic system, so that business entities can function effectively in conditions of increased uncertainty. A comprehensive analysis of the principles of building an economic security system for enterprises is conducted, considering the transformational changes in the modern economy. Unlike previous works, where individual principles were considered in isolation or integrated into the company’s management, a new approach based on the systematic integration of various aspects is proposed: response to threats, adaptability to external changes, and monitoring of the economic environment. The author’s classification of principles allows for the combination of both general and specific approaches to economic security. The results of the study can serve as a theoretical foundation for developing more adaptive formats of economic security systems capable of effectively responding to dynamic changes in the economic environment amid globalization and digitalization. For companies of all forms of ownership, economic security is a guarantor and a fundamentally important category of its activity. The main priority in ensuring a high level of economic security of enterprises is the formulation of the fundamental principles of building an appropriate system and their further adherence. The formation and implementation of strategic priorities for the development of the company as a whole depends on the correctness and completeness of the choice of appropriate principles.
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