Keywords: sustainable forest management, sustainable development, climate change, forest ecosystems, biodiversity, forest policy


The article analyzes international experience in sustainable forest management in the context of climate change, focusing on the best practices of the European Union member states. It emphasizes that forests play an important role in maintaining the ecological balance, acting as carbon sinks, regulating climate processes, water balance and ensuring the preservation of biodiversity. However, these ecosystems remain vulnerable to climate change, such as temperature increases, droughts, pests, changes in the seasonality of precipitation and anthropogenic factors, in particular deforestation and soil degradation. In this context, the concept of sustainable forest management is necessary to ensure the long-term ecological, economic and social sustainability of forests. The experience of the European Union (EU) member states in implementing sustainable forest management in the context of climate change offers numerous effective approaches that can be adapted in Ukraine. The article analyzes key initiatives in the field of sustainable forest management in Poland, France and Germany. The main regulatory documents are considered, which include measures for forest restoration, ensuring socio-economic development of the forest sector, and implementing sustainable practices for adapting forest ecosystems to climate change. The article highlights the main tools of sustainable forest management, in particular national programs, monitoring systems, adaptation strategies and measures to preserve biodiversity. It is found that Germany is focused on integrating forest ecosystems into broader climate neutrality programs, paying significant attention to financing and intersectoral cooperation. France pays significant attention to the multifunctional use of forests and the implementation of innovative forest monitoring systems that help model climate scenarios and make appropriate decisions on forestry measures. Poland effectively implements a national program for forest restoration, which has a positive impact on adaptation to climate change. Based on a comparative analysis, conclusions are drawn about the possibility of applying these practices in Ukraine. In particular, it is proposed to adapt the experience of EU countries to reduce the impact of climate change, preserve biodiversity and develop sustainable forestry in Ukraine. The importance of improving mechanisms for attracting funds for programs for the adaptation of forest ecosystems to climate change is noted.


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How to Cite
VolkovskаY., & Dubovich, I. (2025). SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF CLIMATE CHANGE: EXPERIENCE OF EU MEMBER STATES. Sustainable Development of Economy, (4(51), 403-408.