The article focuses on the analysis of the activities of logistics enterprises under the conditions of European integration. The aim of the study is to examine the specific features of logistics companies' operations in the modern economic environment, identify key factors influencing their competitiveness, and propose recommendations for adaptation to new economic realities. The research investigates the logistics market and applies strategic analysis tools, including SWOT analysis and PEST analysis, to evaluate the impact of internal and external factors on the enterprises. The study highlights the dynamic changes occurring in the logistics sector due to increased competition, stricter environmental standards, and the influence of European integration processes. A detailed examination of the logistics market reveals specific trends and challenges faced by enterprises, such as the need to modernize infrastructure, optimize processes, and comply with new regulatory frameworks. The authors emphasize the importance of adopting innovative practices and digital technologies to maintain and enhance competitiveness. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the identification of new determinants of competitiveness for logistics enterprises operating within the European economic space. These determinants include the integration of digital logistics solutions, environmental sustainability, and the ability to adapt quickly to regulatory and market changes. The research also underlines the role of international collaboration and strategic partnerships in expanding market reach and improving operational efficiency. The practical significance of the research is reflected in the development of specific tools and strategies aimed at enhancing the operational efficiency and market resilience of logistics enterprises. Recommendations include the adoption of advanced digital systems, investment in eco-friendly technologies, and the diversification of service offerings. These measures are designed to ensure the sustainable development of logistics enterprises and their ability to respond effectively to market volatility and external pressures. This study contributes to the understanding of how logistics enterprises can navigate the challenges of European integration while leveraging new opportunities to strengthen their market positions and achieve long-term growth.
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