Transnational crimes, including smuggling, pose a significant threat to national and global security systems. Addressing this threat requires improved coordination between customs and other law enforcement agencies, as well as a better understanding of each other's unique capabilities, investigative jurisdictions and activity experience. The article examines the current state of functioning of the organizational and legal mechanism of interaction of the State Customs Service of Ukraine with domestic law enforcement agencies on issues of prevention and countering of smuggling. The aforementioned mechanism of this interaction between state authorities is characterized, first of all, by their legal status and the list of law enforcement powers provided for by the current legislation of Ukraine. The provisions of the Customs Code of Ukraine regulate directions and components of interaction between customs and other law enforcement agencies, which necessitates the need to develop the institutional capacity of the customs service, in particular in terms of implementing its law enforcement mission. At the same time, the standards and norms of international acts valid for Ukraine should be taken into account. Based on the results of the analysis, the article identifies the key problematic aspects of the functioning of the organizational and legal mechanism of interaction between the State Customs Service and domestic law enforcement agencies on the prevention and countering of smuggling. First of all, this concerns the existing imbalance between law enforcement tasks and the powers of the customs authorities of Ukraine, which limits their legal mandate in the fight against smuggling. The insufficient level of implementation of the norms stipulated by international documents into the legislation of Ukraine was noted, as well as the need for further structural transformation of the law enforcement units of the customs service of Ukraine. The elimination of the above-mentioned problematic aspects is intended to ensure the improvement and development of law enforcement activities of the Customs Service of Ukraine, in particular in the direction of effective cooperation of the State Customs Service with domestic law enforcement agencies on issues of prevention and countering of smuggling.
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