The article considers the possibilities of using multi-agent systems (MAS) to improve the efficiency of management of academic institutions. The main advantages of MAS, such as adaptability, autonomy, task distribution and improved communication, are highlighted. The main stages and individual milestones in the development of multi-agent systems (MAS) are highlighted through analysis: the formation of concepts in the context of artificial intelligence and distributed systems, the creation of algorithms for coordinating actions between agents, the formalization of their roles and interactions, the development of the first platforms for the implementation of MAS, active use in various industries, the expansion of the functionality of systems through machine learning and optimization methods, as well as the integration of MAS with cloud technologies, the Internet of Things, modern methods of artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies, which should ensure their adaptability, efficiency and security. The main challenges associated with their implementation are discussed, including technical problems, resource requirements, ethical issues and the complexity of modeling. The stages of the MAS implementation methodology are described in detail, from needs analysis and design to testing, implementation and support. Examples of practical use of MAS for automating the creation of class schedules in universities and managing library resources are given, detailing the agents' structure and roles. It is concluded that multi-agent systems have significant potential for the digital transformation of academic institutions, but their successful integration requires consideration of technical, organizational and financial aspects. The article emphasizes the importance of multi-agent systems for modern academic institutions and their potential for significantly improving management processes. The need for a comprehensive approach to the implementation and development of multi-agent systems is indicated, which takes into account technical, organizational and financial aspects.
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NetLogo Home Page - Northwestern University. URL:
AgentTool III Homepage. URL:
Gerhard Weiss (2013) Multiagent Systems, second edition. Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents series. MIT Press, 920 р.
Ferber, Jacques (1999) Multi-agent systems: an introduction to distributed artificial intelligence. Harlow Addison-Wesley, 509 p.
Michael Wooldridge (2013) An Introduction to MultiAgent Systems. Second Edition, Publisher Wiley, 488 p.
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A Multi-Agent based Architecture for Cloud Infrastructure Auto-adaptation. Topics: Cloud Computing Architecture; Cloud Delivery Models; Cloud Optimization and Automation; Cloud Risk, Challenges, and Governance; Collective Intelligence. Crowd Computing. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science CLOSER. (2013) Aachen, Germany. Volume 1. P. 90–95.
Toward a Methodology of IoT-a: Embedded Agents for the Internet of Things - Nasreddine Bouhaï, Imad Saleh. Internet of Things: Evolutions and Innovations First published: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (October 30, 2017). 246 p. Toward a Methodology of IoT-a: Embedded Agents for the Internet of Things. Valérie Renault, Florent Carlier. pp. 97–115.
Wenhui Fan, Peiyu Chen, Daiming Shi, Xudong Guo, Li Kou (October 5, 2021) Multi-agent modeling and simulation in the AI age. Published in: Tsinghua Science and Technology. volume 26, pp. 608–624.
Davide Calvaresi, Alevtina Dubovitskaya, Jean Paul Calbimonte, Kuldar Taveter and Michael Schumacher. Multi-Agent Systems and Blockchain: Results from a Systematic Literature Review In book: Advances in Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems, and Complexity: The PAAMS Collection, pp. 110–126.
Vicente D., Vasconcelos J. and Restivo F. (2011) Multi-agent systems in education. 6th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI 2011), Chaves, Portugal, pp. 1–6.
Hamal, O., El Faddouli, N. E., & Harouni, M. H. A., (2021) Design and implementation of the multi-agent system in education. World Journal on Educational Technology: Current, issues 13(4), pp. 775–793. DOI:
Nadrljanski M., Vukić Đ. and Nadrljanski D. (2018) Multi-agent systems in e-learning. 41st International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO). Opatija, Croatia, pp. 990–995. DOI:
Nethra Viswanathan, Sofia Meacham, Festus Fatai Adedoyin (2022) Enhancement of online education system by using a multi-agent approach. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, volume 3. DOI:]
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NetLogo Home Page - Northwestern University. Available at:
AgentTool III Homepage. Available at: