The article is devoted to the consideration of topical issues of information and analytical support for assessing the sustainable development of social infrastructure in rural areas. It is demonstrated that, in the context of post-war recovery, there is a necessity to proactively implement international principles of sustainable rural development. The evolution of the principles of the ESG approach in terms of the concept of responsible sustainable investment is presented and its use in the development of social infrastructure in rural areas is emphasised. The article presents a systematic analysis of the impact of rural infrastructure on the achievement of the SDGs. It emphasises the strategic importance of social infrastructure for the development of rural settlements, highlighting the significant role of such infrastructure in facilitating the implementation of both environmental and economic functions. It is emphasised that the incorporation of ESG factors into the development of social infrastructure facilities will facilitate the establishment of qualitative and quantitative changes in their operational outcomes. There is a need to form an information and analytical support for assessing the sustainability of social infrastructure development in rural areas, in particular, a system of parameters and criteria. It is concluded that the basic value against which it is advisable to assess the criteria for sustainable development of an infrastructure facility is the volume of services provided. It has been established that the following indicators are effective in characterising the environmental sustainability of social infrastructure facilities in rural areas: atmosphere intensity, waste intensity, and energy intensity. The following indicators are proposed for use in assessing the social sustainability of social infrastructure: personnel stability coefficient, costs of professional development, costs of a social package for staff, deviation of the average salary in a particular rural area from the average in the TG, and costs of meeting the social needs of the local population. The paper identifies indicators of institutional sustainability for the assessment of social infrastructure facilities, which are characterised by the dynamics of rural population demand for services and the level of provision of the territory with social institutions. In order to calculate the aforementioned indicators, it is necessary to obtain data from three distinct sources: the community accounting department, statistical reports produced by the community itself, and information provided by the State Statistics Service.
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