The evaluation of ecosystem services is a crucial tool for nature conservation planning projects, as it provides insights into the economic value and significance of natural resources and ecosystems for humanity. The ability of ecosystems to provide services, such as air and water purification, pollination of plants, and nutrient cycling for soils, directly impacts human life, economic activities, and regional development. Conducting a comparative analysis of various ecosystem service assessment tools is essential to determine their advantages, limitations, and suitability for specific contexts. Depending on the situation and planning objectives, certain tools may be more effective or adaptable to address environmental management needs. The article aims to compare different instruments for assessing ecosystem services to facilitate their integration into the process of nature conservation spatial planning. The research employs several methods, including literature review (articles available on ScienceDirect, conference materials, scientific reports, decisions of international organizations) with critical examination of the gathered information, theoretical modeling, data analysis, and evaluation of previous studies related to the research problem, as well as a comparative analysis of ecosystem service assessments. The study examines the application of two ecosystem service assessment tools, namely ARIES (Artificial Intelligence for Ecosystem Services) and InVEST (Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs), which are utilized for mapping, modeling, and evaluating ecosystem services. Both tools assist in identifying the location, distribution, and impact of ecosystem services in a given area and quantitatively assess their value. Additionally, the article explores other comprehensive assessment instruments, including InVEST, Co$ting Nature, and TESSA. The theoretical foundation of the research is based on publications related to approaches, methodologies, and techniques for evaluating ecosystem services. The study employs a search methodology to gather information from sources available on ScienceDirect, scientific reports, and decisions made by international organizations, with a critical review of the collected data, theoretical modeling, and data analysis, as well as a comparative analysis of ecosystem service assessments. The analysis and comparison of different ecosystem service assessment tools reveal their respective advantages, drawbacks, and limitations. This provides policymakers with the ability to select the optimal instrument for assessing ecosystem services within the context of specific nature conservation programs or projects. Utilizing the research findings in decision-making processes enables balanced resource utilization, conservation of natural ecosystems, and support for sustainable development.
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