The article is focused on the study of the importance of the service sector in ensuring the economic growth of Ukraine under martial law and the development of state policy measures aimed at supporting and stimulating the development of the service sector. The dynamics and structure of nominal and real gross domestic products (GDP), as well as GDP per capita as the main indicators of economic growth, are studied. It was determined that Ukraine's nominal GDP before the start of the full-scale war showed a steady growth trend, while Ukraine's real GDP gradually recovered after a decline in 2020 due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. It is established that the beginning of a full-scale war on the territory of Ukraine led to a reduction in production in all sectors of the national economy, which led to a significant reduction in both nominal and real GDP of Ukraine. It was established that the reduction in production of added value in the service sector was significantly lower than in the industrial and agricultural sectors, which, taking into account that about 60% of Ukraine's GDP was accounted for by the services sector, made it possible to avoid a catastrophic reduction in GDP. In addition, it was established that economic growth in Ukraine was restored in 2023, to a large extent, due to the rapid recovery of the service sector. Measures to support the development of the service sector under martial law are proposed, which include: the formation of a full-fledged strategy for the development of the service sector as a driving force for Ukraine's economic recovery; stimulating the development of small businesses by legislative consolidation of state guarantees, providing tax preferences; increasing human capital by improving the education system and establishing cooperation between scientific institutions and service enterprises, as well as stimulating innovative activity and the development of new types of services, primarily knowledge-intensive services; improving regional policy, which will allow regional authorities to independently determine priority sectors of the economy for development and provide them with the necessary state support.
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