In conditions of socio-psychological tension and economic instability, a comprehensive approach to studying the formation of the tourism and recreation industry is appropriate, as a set of measures of effective anti-crisis solutions for the improvement of the population, nation and economic development of territorial communities and regions. In the economic context, recreational activities can be considered as an organization aimed at generating profit from the provision of various services, including: accommodation in hotels with the use of related services, active recreation in nature, tourist and historical and tourist routes, spiritual and church trips. Studies of the economic component of business organization for the development of a recreational enterprise indicate that the geographical component of the location of recreational complexes is one of the determining factors of its development, since interest in recreational recreation in a real, not an urbanized natural environment; environment is constantly growing among the population. To achieve a positive economic effect from business activities, a business entity needs to implement additional measures to attract a wide range of people by developing and providing various services that should harmoniously and naturally flow into the environment without spoiling the effect of natural recreation. To achieve a positive economic effect from business activities, a business entity needs to implement additional measures to attract a wide range of people by developing and providing various services that should harmoniously and naturally flow into the environment without spoiling the effect of natural recreation. The effectiveness of a recreational enterprise is measured not only by the profit received, but also by the income that the relevant natural area will receive if a person conducts economic activities, and by the corresponding expenses incurred for the restoration of the natural environment or its development. The functioning of a recreational enterprise is impossible without a detailed analysis of income and expenses, including for the restoration and development of recreational resources of the natural environment.
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