Keywords: ESG Due Diligence, post-war reconstruction of Ukraine, sustainable development, structured financing, ad hoc financing source combination, financing quality


The post-war reconstruction of Ukraine is a multifaceted process that requires a systematic approach to restoring the economic, social, and environmental infrastructure. In this context, the integration of sustainable development principles plays a pivotal role in shaping a reconstruction strategy that is not only economically efficient but also ensures long-term resilience. This research paper aims to develop and substantiate the application of ESG Due Diligence as a fundamental tool for ensuring transparency, efficiency, and sustainability in post-war reconstruction projects in Ukraine by incorporating ESG aspects into planning, implementation, and financing processes. The paper examines the key challenges and opportunities for Ukraine's post-war reconstruction with a focus on the integration of sustainable development principles, innovative technologies, and European standards. Special attention is given to the adoption of ESG Due Diligence as a tool for assessing and planning projects aimed at infrastructure restoration, industrial decarbonization, the development of green energy, and innovation-driven sectors. The proposed ESG Due Diligence framework includes analytical, methodological, and integrative components that ensure the evaluation of environmental, social, and governance dimensions of projects, as well as their compliance with international sustainable development standards. Given the specifics of the post-war recovery mission, the primary financial mechanisms are identified as public-private partnerships, green bonds, specialized recovery funds, and credit lines from international financial institutions. The necessity of digitalizing management processes, ensuring transparency, risk monitoring, and attracting private capital to optimize resource utilization is emphasized. The proposed strategy for ad hoc financing source combination and the application of ESG-based approaches enables the mobilization of significant resources, risk minimization, long-term project efficiency, and the promotion of sustainable development in Ukraine during the post-war period. Special emphasis is placed on the integration of European standards, the implementation of innovative solutions, and the use of digital platforms to streamline recovery processes. Future research directions include quantifying the goals of ESG Due Diligence in the context of post-war reconstruction.


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How to Cite
Aleksin, G. (2025). ESG DUE DILIGENCE UNDER ISSUE OF UKRAINE’S POST-WAR RECONSTRUCTION. Sustainable Development of Economy, (4(51), 215-222.