Keywords: risk, industrial enterprise, industrial marketing, risk management, risk matrix, research of experience borrowing experience


The article is devoted to the problem of risk management at industrial marketing enterprises. As the base enterprise, the author chose the Private Joint-Stock Company "Poltava Mining and Processing Plant" (PJSC "Poltava GZK"), as it is of scientific interest to researchers-theoreticians and practitioners, which courageously works in conditions of military aggression and overcomes the problems of economic risks caused by war. The author provides a historical account of the birth and development of Poltava GZK PrJSC. His revolutionary industrial achievements, namely: the introduction of the technology of flotation of the concentrate to a higher quality of pellets. Starting from 2013, PrJSC "Poltava GZK" publishes regular information about its activities in open access on the website https://www.ferrexpo.ua, which allows you to research the company's experience in risk management, which is very useful for any industrial enterprises, creates conditions for the exchange of experience between PrJSC "Poltava GZK" and similar enterprises outside the country and domestic industrial enterprises. Starting from 2013, PrJSC "Poltava GZK" publishes regular information about its activities in open access on the website https://www.ferrexpo.ua, which allows you to research the company's experience in risk management, which is very useful for any industrial enterprises, creates conditions for the exchange of experience between PrJSC "Poltava GZK" and similar enterprises outside the country and domestic industrial enterprises. The author provides matrices of risks of normal operational activity and risks of anti-crisis activity of an industrial enterprise, which are recommended for inclusion in the content of the risk management system at industrial marketing enterprises. In the case of this scientific study, some ways of improving the applied aspects of economic risk management were found when using the modern marketing toolkit of Poltava GZK PJSC, namely: the expediency of following the concept of parametric pricing for the company's products and the use of the "transport problem" toolkit to optimize logistics costs, finding the sphere of permissible risk when conducting export-import operations and modeling economic risk for assessing the level of economic security according to the elliptical scattering method of Professor T. V. Bludova. Among the author's actual recommendations: the integration of intelligent risk management systems with international intelligence - technologies and adherence to the concept of smart neo-industrialization in the period of revival of the national economy and overcoming the risks caused by war.


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How to Cite
Titov, V. (2025). RISK -MANAGEMENT OF INDUSTRIAL MARKETING ENTERPRISES: EXPERIENCE STUDY OF PJSC “POLTAVSKY GZK”. Sustainable Development of Economy, (4(51), 194-198. https://doi.org/10.32782/2308-1988/2024-51-28