The main problems of employment of persons with disabilities in the context of the State's transition to inclusive economic development are investigated. It is noted that the level of employment of persons with disabilities in Ukraine remains low, despite certain efforts on the part of the State and employers, there are still significant barriers that impede the integration of this category of population into labour activity. The article identifies and analyses the main reasons that impede the intensification of the process of employment of persons with disabilities. Examples of advanced foreign enterprises in terms of inclusive employment, specific approaches to recruitment, motivation and development of employees with disabilities, access to relevant resources and consultations, specific obligations and requirements for employers are studied. Based on the study, the author offers recommendations aimed at strengthening the social, economic and legal status of persons with disabilities, improving their living conditions, self-realisation, achieving material independence and comprehensive integration into society. The system of inclusive employment can best ensure the implementation of the principles of sustainable and balanced development, while avoiding such threats as: crises related to resource shortages; increasing social inequality and poverty; exclusion of certain marginalised groups from economic and social life; and rising unemployment. It is inclusive employment that can create an impetus for economic progress and contribute to the well-being of all groups in society without exception. A full partnership in the context of inclusive development is possible only if there are common values, unanimity in understanding the mechanisms, and coherence of opinions on the need for an inclusive approach as a tool to strengthen the economic security of the state. Implementation of a comprehensive approach will significantly increase the employment rate of persons with disabilities and contribute to the creation of an inclusive society, which is extremely important and relevant, especially in times of war, when the number of persons with disabilities is constantly growing.
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