Keywords: technology, management technology, personnel security, enterprises, management influence, management decision


Starting from 2019, the situation on the labor market is characterized by maximum dynamics and the difficulty of forecasting changes in labor supply and demand. The pandemic and military aggression acted as the latest drivers of those processes that were caused by technological progress. In Ukraine, robotics and automation are taking place at a slightly lower rate, but the limitation of physical contact during the pandemic and the need to involve refugees and internally displaced persons in the performance of work have changed the requirements for applicants for jobs, when digital literacy is not considered an advantage, but a necessary minimum. The current dominance of the interests of employees in the labor market requires further updating of the principles of personnel security management in the conditions of each enterprise, which can be implemented by developing and applying appropriate management technologies. The purpose of the study was defined as a generalization and critical review of existing developments in order to clarify the essence of the company's personnel security management technology. In order to form the theoretical basis of personnel security management of the enterprise, the following methods were applied: induction and deduction, comparison and systematization — in the study of the essential characteristics of the terms "technology" and "management technology"; synthesis and analysis — to clarify the nature of the influence of the main factors on the process of managing the company's personnel security; morphological analysis — to clarify the meaning of the term "enterprise personnel security management technology"; graphic — for visual presentation of theoretical and methodical material; abstract-logical — for theoretical generalizations and research conclusions. It is substantiated that in modern conditions technology should be understood as a combination of informational, technical and human components, which determine the content and order of application of known methods, according to a previously complex and tested algorithm, in relation to the phasing of specific tasks to obtain the required result. It has been proven that the enterprise's personnel security management technology represents formalized knowledge regarding the cyclical sequence of procedures in the course of managerial influence on security objects, which is implemented within the scope of management functions based on the selection of optimal tools and the development of management decisions necessary to achieve the specified result.


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How to Cite
Shyra, T., & Vityk, B. (2025). TECHNOLOGY OF PERSONNEL SECURITY MANAGEMENT OF ENTERPRISES: THEORETICAL BASICS. Sustainable Development of Economy, (4(51), 181-185.