Strategic management is a key factor in the success of modern construction companies in a complex and dynamic business environment. The construction industry is characterized by high competition, significant capital investments and the influence of external factors, such as the economic situation, technological progress and legislative changes. In such conditions, the development and implementation of an effective strategy allows construction companies to ensure sustainable growth, increase competitiveness and adapt to changing market conditions. A feature of strategic management in construction is the need to take into account the multi-component nature of projects, their long-term nature and dependence on external partners, such as suppliers of materials, contractors and government agencies. Correct definition of strategic goals, effective management of resources and risks, as well as adaptation to innovative technologies are decisive for the success of the enterprise. In this context, strategic management of construction companies appears as a systematic approach that combines the analysis of internal and external factors, making informed decisions and optimizing business processes to achieve long-term results. SWOT-analysis allows construction companies to assess their internal capabilities, including human resources, technological resources and financial stability, as well as to take into account external factors such as market trends, regulatory changes and the level of competition. Based on such analysis, it is possible to identify promising areas of development, develop adaptive strategies and effectively respond to challenges. The article identifies and investigates the main stages of the strategic management process of enterprises, analyzes the features of strategic management for enterprises of the construction industry component, which must be taken into account when developing a strategic development plan for the long-term period. The main types of strategies that can be used in managing the economic activities of enterprises of the construction industry in order to ensure highly productive economic activity in the long term are proposed and specified.
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