Keywords: economy, globalization, market, world market, industry, shipbuilding, revitalization


Without a doubt, after the end of a full-scale, protracted war, the political elite, economic science and business practice will immediately face the primary problem of the earliest possible restoration of the domestic industry. Shipbuilding will not be an exception. Its solution looks more than burdensome given the significant damage caused to the fixed capital and personnel of shipyards: from management to skilled workers. At the same time, working on the best recovery strategies and plans for their implementation, it will be necessary to deeply understand the events taking place in the relevant field on the world market. It is necessary because, among other things, shipbuilding is a highly competitive business and a fierce struggle for the conclusion of profitable contracts takes place on a planetary scale. Globalization is really making its mark This publication is devoted to a review of the current state of affairs in world shipbuilding and economic phenomena that preceded it in the recent past. First of all, metamorphoses with redistribution between key players in the market of orders from shipowners were investigated. The reasons that led to their current positioning, the factors that influenced the outlined trends were identified. In particular, in our country. It was emphasized that the desire to increase the productivity of maritime commercial transportation, together with military-political circumstances of various scales, resulted in increased attention of owners and management of shipping companies to the construction of engineering structures of appropriate types and purposes with increased carrying capacity. The main reason for the fascination with "gigantomania" is the desire to save on scale at all stages of the vessel's life cycle. We have sufficient reason to believe that this trend will continue in the future despite the current warnings. The effect of scale looks too attractive: for shipyards, for cargo carriers, and for end consumers of goods. The conclusions and practical recommendations drawn from the results of the study should be useful to everyone who is not indifferent to the future of one of the key sectors of Ukrainian industry, with whose fate the prospects for the rise of the domestic blue economy are linked.


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