The active integration of Ukraine into the international economic space causes the need to transition to an innovative model of its economic development. What is caused by the dynamic development of technologies in the spheres of production, management and organization of enterprises, which determines not only development, but also the strengthening of competition, where those business entities that will actively implement innovative approaches will gain advantages. Therefore, innovations become a key tool for ensuring leadership positions in the market, increasing productivity and strengthening the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises. In turn, taking into account the innovative factor is one of the fundamental conditions for the sustainable development of the agricultural sector and its adaptation to the modern challenges of globalization. Strategic management of the innovative potential of agricultural enterprises becomes a key factor for their adaptation to environmental changes and is one of the fundamental conditions for the sustainable development of the agricultural sector and its adaptation to modern challenges of globalization. The implementation of innovations in the agricultural sector requires a systematic approach and significant investments, which requires studying the methodological and methodical component of strategic management of innovation potential. The article examines topical issues related to the impact of environmental challenges on the agricultural sector, including climate change, soil degradation, and biodiversity loss. It was determined that only innovative technologies, such as precision agriculture, biotechnology, water-saving systems and renewable energy sources, can ensure the sustainability of agricultural enterprises in such conditions. However, successful implementation of innovations requires a complex approach to strategic management and significant investments. The methods and principles of strategic management of innovative potential to ensure the competitiveness of enterprises in the conditions of global environmental changes were also investigated. Particular attention is paid to the need to integrate scientific and technical achievements into practical activities, as well as the importance of strategic management for the effective use of resources and long-term development of agribusiness. It is emphasized that innovation is an important tool for increasing productivity, resistance to changes, as well as for ensuring environmental sustainability of enterprises.
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