Keywords: innovation, innovative strategies, technology, research and development, patents


The article is an investigation into the distinctive characteristics of innovation activities in countries around the world, with a particular focus on EU member states, in the context of contemporary globalisation and the emergence of new challenges. The role of innovation and scientific knowledge in the economic development of countries, the processes of transformation of international business forms, and the importance of developing and implementing innovative strategies for the success of businesses and the competitiveness of countries at the global level are considered. The authors place particular emphasis on the necessity of developing innovation potential, the considerable readiness to develop new technologies and introduce modern innovative business models in developed countries, and the aspiration to reduce the technological gap by adapting promising technologies in developing countries. The article identifies trends in changes in gross domestic expenditures on R&D in certain countries of the world, with a particular focus on EU member states. These trends are examined in terms of both geographical and sectoral variations. The article examines the fundamental principles and objectives of the recently introduced European innovation programme, which outlines the EU's strategy for enhancing competitiveness and securing pivotal roles in technological advancements. An econometric study is conducted to examine the clustering of EU countries based on indicators that characterise innovation potential and patent activities. The study has identified five clusters: innovative leaders, developing innovation systems, promising innovators, innovative outsiders, and the initial level of innovation. The study of the particularities of innovation activities in Germany is of special interest, given that the results of the cluster analysis indicate that Germany occupies a leading position among EU countries. The authors underscore the gravity with which the objective of maintaining technological leadership is approached in the context of global competition from European countries. It is demonstrated that domestic companies demonstrated a capacity for effective collaboration and the generation of new technological developments during wartime. In the context of post-war recovery and the implementation of a defined course towards European integration, the experience of implementing the innovation policy of EU member states is becoming increasingly relevant for Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Poliakova, Y., Shayda, O., & Zadorozhna, Y. (2024). SPECIFIC FEATURES OF INNOVATION ACTIVITIES IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBALISATION. Sustainable Development of Economy, (4(51), 153-161. https://doi.org/10.32782/2308-1988/2024-51-22